Register with us as a New Patient

The Practice accepts patients whose home address is within a five mile radius of the Health Centre. To register, please complete the registration forms. (Identification is required please refer to our registration policy shown below). You will be asked to make a New Patient appointment with our Practice Nurse and we request you bring a list of all your current medication with youth this appointment. Medical treatment is available from the date of registration.

Please be advised when signing documents to become an Organ Donor patients must be 18 or over. Parents or guardians signing on behalf of under 18’s is not acceptable.  

In certain circumstances we may refuse your registration with us, for example, if you are living outside our practice area.

When presenting to register you will need the following:

  • HS200 for NORTHERN IRELAND & UK Residents ONLY.  This form must be completed if you wish to register with our practice. You will also be required to supply Photographic ID & Proof of a current Northern Ireland address. (Please refer to our registration policy below).                             
  • HSC/R1 –  This form is used for individuals entering Northern Ireland coming from any another country OUTSIDE the UK.  You will also be required to supply Photographic ID & Proof of a current Northern Ireland address. Any person registering from outside the EU must submit a copy of their Visa or Work Permit. 
  • New patient questionnaire

Registering your baby

You need to fill in a GRO 4 Birth Registration Form. The General Registry Office will give you this when you register your baby’s birth. Bring this form to the GP’s surgery to register your baby as a patient.